With over 120,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholics in Australia, our first nation people form an important part of the fabric of Church life. Every State and Territory in Australia has an Aboriginal and Islander Catholic Ministry, and we strongly ask you to consider making contact with them (click here) in preparation for the celebrations on 2 July 2017.


The theme 'Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me' resonates strongly with our people. It is a reminder to keep an open mind and heart to not only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but anyone that faces challenges including refugees, the disabled and impoverished.


The resources below have been carefully developed to assist Parishes and Schools to celebrate the gifts and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholics to the Church in Australia.


Please consider inviting an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person to provide a Welcome to Country or conducting and Acknowledgment of Country. A guide for both of these important and respectful ceremonies are available here.


The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference have provided a pastoral letter to celebrate the day - download here.


The 2017 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Poster is based on the artwork of Yvonne Tjintjiwara Edwards.


Finally, the full NATSICC Resource can be dowloaded in pdf format here.

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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council

'The peak Indigenous advisory body to the Catholic Church'

80C Payneham Rd.

Stepney SA 5069

www.natsicc.org.au   |   craig@natsicc.org.au   | 08 8363 2963